Caught In Live Wire, ‘Mangled’ Kitten Insists She Isn’t A Burden To Care For


Pets with special needs are often put down or overlooked by potential adopters. Some assume that they can’t live normal, fulfilling lives or they will be too much of a burden to care for. Sadly, these heartbreaking assumptions only contribute to an increase in homeless animals. Healthy and younger cats are more likely to find a home than felines like the one in this story. A kitten, eventually named Able – for her ability to adjust to her challenging situation – was injured when chasing pigeons and accidentally ran into a live wire.

The poor kitten mangled her two front legs as well as her tail. She needed around-the-clock care by a devoted individual who wasn’t deterred by her injuries. Thankfully, a kind woman stepped up to offer Able a loving home. Able’s road to recovery wouldn’t be easy. She eventually needed her front legs amputated after the vet decided she would suffer less and be more mobile without them. Her mangled tail was removed as well.

But despite her disability, Able thrived! She learned to navigate the world with just her hind legs. The kitten soon grew into a beautiful, well-adjusted cat that gracefully greeted the world with a tenacious, joyful attitude. The best part: Able was joined by a disabled brother, a cat named Fin-Fin, who also lost the use of his front legs.

Together, they tackle everyday tasks like the stairs and maneuvering around their home. They also experience ‘normal’ playtime adventures, venturing about and snuggling with one another. Just because they’re disabled doesn’t mean they’re not ‘Able’ to enjoy life. Consider adopting a special needs cat today. These pets deserve the best lives possible. Cat lovers like you can make a world of difference. To meet Able (and Fin-Fin), check out the video below.

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