7 Tips to Keep Your Dog Safe at a Football Party


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If you are preparing for a football bowl party, be sure to plan to keep your dog safe while you and your guests enjoy some fun.

Keep an eye on alcoholic beverages.

Don’t let Bowser near the beer or any kind of booze. While you may always be careful about that practice, your guests may not so keep an eye on their drinks, too.

Keep cautious canines crated or otherwise secured.

All that football action could very well mean some raised voices and waved arms, not to mention strange people in the house if you’re hosting a party.

If your dog is fearful or shy, let him have some quiet time in his crate, away from the action, in a far bedroom, or safely in a fenced yard. You can go out and tell him the score at halftime.

Watch the trash.

Parties mean food and a lot of it…and that means trash. Be sure to keep your trash secured so your dog cannot eat the disposable plates or dangerous toothpicks.

Beware of bones.

Many football bowl parties = buffalo wings with bones. Chicken bones and dogs are a definite no-no so keep an eye on those plates of wings.

Manage the munchies.

Many of the tempting munchies that your guests might bring–from trail mix with raisins to decadent chocolate brownies–are foods that are dangerous to your dog.

Keep an eagle eye on chocolate, raisins, macadamia nuts, onions, grapes, and diet foods containing Xylitol.

Tag Your Dog.

Even if your dog doesn’t typically wear his collar in the house, be sure your dog is tagged for party time. The coming and going of guests and the activity of the day could mean a loose dog.

Designate a Dog Watcher.

Designate one member of your family to keep an eye on your dog throughout the party fun.

A few minutes of preparation before your football party and during the party itself can score a touchdown in terms of canine safety!

Paris Permenter is the award-winning co-author, with John Bigley, of over 30 pet and travel books including The Healthy Hound Cookbook and Texas with Dogs, both available through Simon and Schuster. Paris is also a member of the Dog Writers Association of America. Latest posts by Paris Permenter (see all)


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