9 Common Signs of Pain in Dogs


One of the downsides of being a dog parent is to see your dog in pain. What is even more concerning is to be unsure whether your dog is hurting, as they can’t communicate their problems like us humans.
In this blog, you will learn those subtle signals from dogs telling you that they are in pain. By getting to know these cues, you can offer them fast treatment and make them feel better.
So here are those,

Dogs who are in pain show noticeable changes in behaviour. They can suddenly become uninterested in things, show restlessness and may even exhibit unusual aggressiveness. Sometimes, a lowered appetite is also a signal of discomfort in dogs. Watch out for these signs, and contact the vet if you think your dog is showing these cues.

If your dog is limping when moving, refusing to climb stairs or is being reluctant to jump onto furniture, know that they are experiencing some kind of pain. Pain can affect your dog’s mobility, and sometimes, it even makes it difficult for your dog to get up and lie down as well.

While some dogs suffer in silence, others make sounds like whining, whimpering, or even growling. It indicates pain if they make these sounds, especially when you are touching them or if they are moving in a certain way.

Changes in Eating Patterns

Pain can affect how your dog is eating and drinking their water. They may eat less, refuse hard food, and drink too much water.  If your dog is showing these signs, they may be experiencing dental issues, gastrointestinal discomfort or some other sources of pain.

Increased Heart Rate & Panting

Physical pain can lead to an increased heart rate and panting in dogs. While it is difficult to measure the heart rate at home, notice signs of heavy breathing or shallow breaths,  especially if it happens when they are resting.

Change in Posture or Body Language

One of dogs’ most apparent signs of pain is a change in their body language or overall posture. If you see tensed muscles, hunched posture or behaviours like licking or biting a particular area, know that these are signs of discomfort. A dog in pain may also avoid sitting in their usual position to avoid distress.

Signs of Injury or Illnesses

Look for visible signs of injuries like cuts, bruises, swelling or discharge as they will help you to soothe their pain quickly. If you think the injuries are quite serious, contact your veterinarian immediately.

Dogs are one of the most social animals you will ever see. If you see your dog isolating himself or hiding away most of the time, it clearly indicates a pain or certain discomfort. The reason why they are hiding is that most dogs use solitude as a coping mechanism.

Pain can also hamper your dog’s sleep and make them restless, increasing strolling through the night. If you think your dog is not sleeping enough, it could be a sign of pain and discomfort, and you should contact your vet.
In Conclusion
Identifying the signs of pain in your dogs is vital for offering them fast relief and ensuring good care of their health. These 9 cues will definitely help you to ascertain that your dog is facing discomfort and it is time to give them the necessary treatment. Remember, you should definitely consult with your veterinarian, too, as they can rule out the possibility of any underlying illness in your dogs.


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