How to Prevent Common Injuries in Active Dogs?


Dogs are curious animals who are interested in everything around them. They are often seen taking great risks without knowing if it can injure them. If you are a dog owner or a dog lover, you will know how painful it is to watch our beloved dogs crying in pain.
In this blog, you will see 9 highly effective tips that will help you prevent injuries in your active dogs. These tips will also ensure that your lovely fidos maintain good health and mobility.
So let us get started,

Two of the best methods to prevent injuries in active dogs are by supervising them while they are playing and also by training them well. Teaching your dogs basic commands helps you to control them effectively and also set boundaries for them. Even though commands like sit, come, stop etc may seem trivial, these are life-savers when it comes to risky situations. To train your dogs quickly, consider offering some delicious dog treats to them during their training sessions, which helps reinforce good behaviour.

Fencing your yard properly and using dog gates can help you prevent access to your dogs to areas which are dangerous for them. Also, ensure that the fence is high enough to stop your dogs from jumping and strong enough to bear your dog’s pushing. You can also use baby gates in areas like staircases, where your dog is likely to get hurt.

Leash training your dog plays a vital role in keeping your dogs protected while you are walking them outside. A strong collar & leash, and a well-fitting dog harness can prevent your dogs from going astray and bumping into vehicles on the road. They are also helpful in public parks where there are high chances of meeting fellow dogs and other animals as well.

Provide Good Physical Exercise

Dogs often injure themselves when they are indulging in destructive behaviour. One of the best ways to prevent destructive behaviour in dogs is to give them good physical exercise. Take them for walks outside daily and if possible, play a game like a fetch which not only keeps them engaged but also burns off excessive fats. Tiring them out through exercise keeps them well-behaved, thereby reducing the chances of injuries as well.

When highly active dogs are not mentally stimulated, they will start doing undesirable things which can hurt them. This is why you should give them some entertaining dog toys which can keep them engaged and also prevent them from doing any mischief. If you have a grown-up dog, don’t give them small toys as they may swallow them, which will result in choking. It is wise to select the toys according to the size of your dog.

Taking your dogs to the vet regularly helps in identifying any illness and treating it before it escalates to something serious. Also, sometimes your dogs can get minor injuries which can go unnoticed by you. You don’t want these injuries to turn worse. A veterinarian thoroughly checks your dog’s body and inspects for all kinds of injuries. They will also offer specific healthy advice for your dogs on their diet, grooming and overall wellbeing in general.

If your dogs have long nails and you don’t groom them enough, then your fidos are quite exposed to injuries. Long nails can cause your dog discomfort and even affect their gait terribly. It can cause them great pain if they get their nails cut by striking it in any of your furniture. Hence, you must clip your dog’s nails and keep them well-groomed by using a top-quality dog nail cutter.

If your dog is travelling with you in a car, it is essential to secure them to ensure both of your safety. Firstly, the dog should always be in the back seat. This is because it is highly dangerous for them to be in the front seat as they can distract you and lose your focus from driving. It is also wise to buy a car seat cover for dogs which will protect your vehicle from pet hair, dirt, and vomit if your dog is car-sick.

Be Mindful of the Weather

You should always be careful of extreme weather conditions, and more so if your dog is playing outside. During hot weather, keep your dogs in the shade and offer them plenty of water to ensure good hydration in them. This prevents heat exhaustion and also the risk of heatstroke. Also, avoid walking your dogs in the hottest time of the day. Meanwhile, in winter, you can protect your dog from hypothermia by offering them some cosy and warm sweaters and jackets. You may also take the help of good dog shoes, which will keep your dog’s feet warm while walking in the snow, and also protect them from injuries.
In Brief,
Our dogs are valuable members of our families and therefore, we must be mindful of their health. These 9 tips will tremendously help you to protect your dogs from injuries and also help them maintain excellent health. Remember to take them to the vet regularly and also provide them with good nutrition so that they get nourishment of the highest order.


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