Lady Has 5 Months Of Conversations With A Stray Cat To Earn His Trust


When a hungry and skinny stray cat first appeared in a woman’s yard, it was clear that he was terrified of her. The woman had never seen him before, but she couldn’t ignore his desperate need for food. Despite his fear, the cat returned every day for a meal, and over time, a bond began to form between them. At first, the woman had to be at least halfway across her yard before the cat would even come out to eat. She would put food down, and although he was clearly hungry, he had no interest in being anywhere near her.

Gradually, the cat began to trust the woman, and each day she would try to get a little bit closer to him. About two months after their first encounter, the cat started to get closer to the house. This was one of the first signs that he was becoming more comfortable with the woman and their relationship was developing. The woman wondered how she could get him used to her hand coming towards him, so she began to hold out her hand in a way that resembled the cat’s own paw. He never tried to attack her, and the first time she pet him, she was overcome with emotion.

Four months into their journey, the woman came out one morning to greet the cat, and he let out a tiny squeak in response. At around five months, he began to greet her every time she went outside, and they would engage in a conversation. The woman felt as if the cat was answering her questions, and their bond continued to grow stronger.
Eventually, the woman’s husband suggested feeding the cat, now named Maple, inside their home. They began to feed him in their kitchen, and Maple started to explore the basement, coming in through the back door and wandering around for 10-15 minutes before leaving. Then, someone sent the couple a cat tree for Maple.

Maple began to spend every night in the house in the cat tree, and it seemed as if everything was happening at just the right moment for him to become a permanent part of the family. He started to seek out pets and scratches, moving past his initial need for survival and enjoying his new life indoors. As he began to play and adapt to being inside, it seemed as if he was thinking, “Why did I wait this long to do this? Why did I want to be outside for so long? This is great!”

The fact that the woman and her family were able to take care of Maple, and that he allowed them to do so, was an incredible and heartwarming experience for everyone involved. Their patience and love transformed a terrified stray cat into a cherished family member, proving that sometimes, all it takes is a little kindness and understanding to change a life forever.
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