Tenacious Teen Sets Out To Free A Feral Cat From Bag Around Its Waist


Homeless animals struggle daily to find food, water, and shelter. Feral cats are particularly resourceful, living in large colonies where they rely on one another to survive. Still, it doesn’t mean these cats thrive. On the contrary, they often fight over food, injuring each other. These felines are also exposed to the elements and hazardous situations. Their precious lives are far from easy. One feral cat had climbed into a heap of rubbish and wiggled her way through the drawstring of a trash bag. The plastic bag became stuck and gripped tightly around her waist as she walked about. People claim the bag was stuck around the cat’s waist for years!

She was spotted several times by people who were unsuccessful in trapping her. But one brave soul wasn’t going to let this challenge deter her. A 13-year-old teen named Brianna visited the cat’s location and witnessed the poor kitty’s plight. It broke Brianna’s heart. The cat’s situation was already daunting and the teenager couldn’t imagine the cat’s discomfort as she dragged around the plastic bag like a makeshift skirt.

Brianna made it her mission to rescue the cat and give her a proper home, but the cat was elusive. She didn’t trust humans whatsoever. Brianna put food and water out for the cat and patiently sat, hoping she would come to her. After some time, the hungry kitty walked over. The cat was scared but starving, and this ‘smaller human’ seemed less threatening than the others.

Amazingly, while the cat ate, Brianna was able to pet her. The teenager stroked her dirty, scraggly fur while promising she would take good care of the cat from now on. Soon, Brianna was able to pick up the feline and carry her home. The cat’s days on the streets were officially over! Thank you, Brianna, you’re one brave girl!

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